Friday 22 February 2013

Kettle on Fire (incomplete)

Incomplete work! Eh! Got too messed up with the colour pencils in the flames, finally put it aside for the time being. Sometimes it gets quite tricky to try to mend such a work! 

Thursday 10 May 2012

Mohiniyattam (The Dance of the Enchantress)

Mohiniyattam also spelled Mohiniattam is an Indian Classical Dance Form from Kerala. The word Mohiniyattam literally means 'the dance of the enchantress'. It is considered very graceful dance form performed as a solo recital by women. The main theme of the dance is love and devotion to God, usually Vishnu or Krishna being the hero. 


Quick Sketches

Quick Sketches

Quick Sketches of the Eyes

Quick Sketches of the Eyes